The The Structural, Functional Identification of Natural Resistance-Associated Macrophage Protein as Transporter Elements in Oryza Sativa
Structural, Functional of NRAMP Family in rice
Oryza sativa, interaction analysis, structure prediction, OsNRAMP transporter proteins, physiochemical propertiesAbstract
The NRAMP (natural resistance-associated macrophage protein) family of transporter proteins has four members in Oryza sativa. OsNRAMP1, OsNRAMP2, OsNRAMP3, and OsNRAMP4 have been reported and considered for this study. These NRAMP transporter proteins have been studied in rice plants to transport a variety of metal ions such as Mn_2+, Cd_2+, Zn_2+, Fe_2+, and others. As a result, it's critical to predicting and properties of the OsNRAMP family of transporters computationally to study and understand them. In future research, it will be important to understand their biological insights. In this research, different in-silico methodologies, and strategies were used for the investigation of NRAMP-transporter proteins. The protein sequences' physiochemical parameters were evaluated, putative transmembrane domains and helices, localization and hydrophobicity, phylogenetic analysis, correlated motif patterns of the transporter proteins were identified, and proteins-interaction associates were predicted. The online structure prediction method was used to obtain 3D models of all OsNRAMP transporter participants, which were then analysed. Since there is currently limited information about the functional and structural dimensions of these transporters, this research will anticipate the theoretical details regarding us.
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