Editorial Team

Editor in Chief: Valerio Brescia

Editorial Board:





Affiliation third sector

Albertini Emidio

Associate Professor

University of Perugia - Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences

Omphalos Perugia

Amelio Stefano


University of Milano Bicocca - Department of Management


Società Italiana di Storia della Ragioneria

Barbareschi Giorgio

Programme Manager / PhD In medical Science, MSc in Community and Clinical Psychology

European AIDS Treatment Group

Lila Piemonte

Bazzano Alberto

Lawyer, cultore della materia

Law firm Papotti, Cultore di Criminal law, Comparative criminal law and Criminology in the Department of Law - University of Turin.


Beretta Valentina


University of Pavia


Bert Fabrizio

Researcher, Dr. Specialized in Public health

Corporate Health Department

University of Turin - Department of Health, Public and Pediatric Sciences

City of Health and Science of Turin


Hospital "Città della Salute e della Scienza” of Turin


Biancone Paolo

Full Professor

Department of Management, University of Turin


Biancuzzi Helena

Research fellow in business economics

Department of Economics and statistics, University of Udine (Italy)

Ipazia, Observatory on Gender Research

Bosa Marco

Dr. specialization in internal medicine

Rivoli Hospital (Italy)

Odv Casa Arcobaleno

Brescia Valerio


University of Turin - Department of Management, Italy

University of Piemonte Orientale – DiSEI, Italy

Department of Finance, Wrocław University of Economics and Business, Poland




Odv Casa Arcobaleno

Breveglieri Michele

Phd, specialized in sociology

Job Promotion - Internship Office of the City of Verona

Arcigay Nazionale

Burlina Chiara

PhD in Economics and Management

Gran Sasso Science Institute - GSSI




Caratù Myriam

PhD, Assistant Professor of Marketing & Management

Faculty of Economics of UNINT - Università degli Studi Internazionali di Roma, Rome, Italy



Campra Maura

Full Professor

Department of Economics and Business Studies, University of Piemonte Orientale “Amedeo Avogadro”


Cataldo Alessandro

Phd, nurse and Sociologist public manager

Local Health Authority 3 Liguria

Associazione Culturale Gaia

Cocco Gabriele


University of Bergamo - Department of Languages, Letters and Foreign Culture


Creta Fabio

Phd and lecturer

School of Management of Turin (SAA)

Blockchain education Network

Costa Stefano

Dr. specialized in general medicine

Local Health Authority TO4

Odv Casa Arcobaleno

Dal Mas Francesca


Department of Management

Lincoln International Business School

University of Lincoln, UK


Ipazia, Observatory on Gender Research




De-Coll’ Letizia

Psychologist, Health and Community Intervention

Centro Milanese di Terapia della Famiglia

Ordinary member ONIG (Osservatorio Nazionale Identità di Genere)

Member of the Executive Board Il Grande Colibrì Odv

Esposito Paolo

Associate Professor

Department of Law, Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods (DEMM), University of Sannio (Italy)


Fijalkowska Justyna

Assistant Professor

University of Lodz, School of Social Science


Foglietta Chiara

Phd, Biomedical engineer

Councillor for Innovation, City of Turin

City of Turin


Giusta Marco Alessandro

criminal psychology

City of Turin

Associazione Commetorino

Arcigay Nazionale



Góis Cristina

Associate Professor

Coimbra Business School Research Centre|ISCAC, Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra, Portugal


Gualano Maria Rosaria

Associate Professor

Saint Camillus International University of Health and Medical Sciences (UniCamillus) – Università Medica internazionale di Roma


Gottero Mauro

Doctor specialization in geriatrics and palliative care

Luce per la vita Onlus

Ottavio Mai di Torino

Iorio Michele

Lecturer, Dr. specialized in forensic medicine

University of Turin - Department of Public and Pediatric Health Sciences


Irato Elisa

Veterinary and temporary research fellow

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Turin


Landi Stefano

Research Fellow and lecturer

Ca 'Foscari University of Venice - Department of Management


Libertino Andrea

Phd, Environmental Engineering

CIMA Research Foundation


Jafari-Sadeghi Vahid

Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Business Strategy

Aston Business School, UK

Academy of Management (AOM)- Divisions: Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship, and International Management

Academy of International Business (AIB)

International Academy of Business and Economics (IABE)

Centre for Business in Society (CBiS), Coventry University

International Centre for Transformational Entrepreneurship (ICTE), Coventry University

Leonilo Capulso

Phd, Educational Management

Department of Education, Schools Division Office of Pampanga, Philippines

International Literacy Association Australia

Teaching & Education Research Association

Asian Qualitative Research Association

Moretti Laura

Master's degree in Environmental Biology, Hygiene and Occupational Safety

Temporary research fellow

Hospitale “Città della Salute e della Scienza” of Turin and

University of Turin


Namrata Hange

Doctor Specialization in Public and Occupational health

MOH Holdings (MOHH), Singapore


Nicolò Giuseppe

Senior Lecturer (RtD B), PhD.

University of Salerno, Department of Management and Innovation Systems

Member of the Italian Society of Ragioneria and Economia Aziendale (SIDREA)

and the European Accounting Association (EAA).

Nuzzo Anna Maria

Phd, Postdoctoral fellowship in Biomedical-Translational Research & Academia

Department of Surgical Sciences, Univesity of Turin


Orofino Giancarlo

Professor, Dr. specialization in infectious disease

University of Turin - Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences, Local health company City of Turin


Arcobaleno AIDS

Pisano Roberto

Phd, Full Professor

Politecnico di Torino - Department of Applied Science and Technology


Pistoni Carlo

Psychology, Phd Student of Psycology

Università Cattolica di Milano

Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP);

Associazione Italiana di Psicologia (AIP - sezione Psicologia Sociale);

Società Italiana di Psicologia di Comunità (SIPCO);

European Association of Social Psychology (EASP);

Institute of Family and Social Mediation of Brescia (IMB).

Presti Pietro

Phd, Master's degree in law

Fondazione Edo ed Elvo Tempia

European Cancer Patient Coalition

Quaglia Valeria

Research fellow in methodology of Social Research

University of Milano Bicocca, Department of sociology and social research


Renzi Marco

structural engineer

Republic of San Marino - Design and engineering Office


Sadraei Razieh

Research fellow, PhD in Chemical and Materials Sciences

University of Wolverhampton, UK

Murphy Group Research

Chemical Institute of Canada

Canadian Society of Chemistry

Santosh Kumar Behera          

Associate professor

Associate Professor, Department of Education,  Kazi Nazrul University, Asansol, Paschim Bardhaman, West Bengal, India


Secinaro Silvana

Associate professor

Department of Management, University of Turin


Sorrentino Annarita

Phd, Researcher

Department of Business and Quantitative Studies (DISAQ)

University of Naples Parthenope


Villamaina Floriana

Nurse and trainer

Mauriziano Hospital of Turin - Training Office


Croce Verde di Condove

Associazione O.I.S.I.



- Calandra Davide, Researcher in Business and Management, University of Turin, Italy

- Chmet Federico, Phd, lecture in Business and Management, University of Turin, Italy

- De Nichilo Stefano, Lectures University of Cagliari, Italy

- Gideon Mekonnen Gideon, Phd student in Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV) Stockholm University (Sweden)

- Iannaci Daniel, Phd in Business and Management, University of Turin and Cooperativa  socialeArcobaleno

- Lanzalonga Federico, Phd student in Business and Management, University of Turin, Italy

- Margherita Emanuele Gabriel, Phd, Reseacher in Management Information Systems, University of Tuscia, Italy

- Megha Chotaliya, Assistant Professor and Head of Department of Accountancy and Research Guide, R.D. National College, University of Mumbai, Mumbai, India

- Oppioli Michele, Phd Student, University of Turin

- Sac. Tatulli Nicola Gioachino, Phd Student, Arcidiocesi di Bari Bitonto, Italy