Popular Financial Annual Report of New York City 2021

Popular Financial Annual Report 2021


  • Alessandro Lopez Marino Unito - SAA
  • Miruna Stefania Balan Unito - SAA
  • Kirani Sasikala Jayakody Jayakody Arachchige


Popular Financial Annual Report 2021, New York City


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Biancone, P; Secinaro, V.; Brescia, V.; Calandra, D. (2023). Linee guida per la realizzazione del Bilancio POP o Integrated Popular Financial Reporting. In European journal of volunteering and community-based projects (Vol. 1, Number 4, pp. 23–114). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10259584



How to Cite

Lopez Marino, A., Balan, M. S., & Jayakody Arachchige, K. S. J. (2023). Popular Financial Annual Report of New York City 2021: Popular Financial Annual Report 2021. European Journal of Volunteering and Community-Based Projects, 1(4), 290-343. Retrieved from https://pkp.odvcasarcobaleno.it/index.php/ejvcbp/article/view/104