Call for paper


Call for papers 

The European Journal of volunteering and community-based projects (ISSN: 2724-0592 E-ISSN: 2724-1947) is interested in scientific articles related to the third sector and community-based activities. The Journal aims to spread the culture of voluntary organizations, social promotion associations, philanthropic bodies, social enterprises, mute aid companies, recognized and non-recognized associations, ecclesiastical bodies. 

The journal also welcomes contributions on medical activities or groups of citizens that have an impact on general well-being.

Check our main topics and submit your latest paper, here:


- fully open-access (no fees)

- double-blind peer-reviewed Journal 

- ANVUR - scientific journal for Area 13 - ECONOMIC SCIENCES AND STATISTICS

- Indexed by Google Scholar, Cite Factor, Index Copernicus (IC), SJIF, BASE, ROAD and

- The journal is is accredited by CABI, Fondazione con il Sud, Associazione O.I.S.I., Arcigay, Arci Piemonte, Lila Piemonte, Arcobaleno AIDS 


For further information, please write us a message