Recognition of the Journal in the list of scientific journals of ANVUR / Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research


ANVUR - National Agency for the Evaluation of the University and Research System is a public body of the Italian Republic, supervised by the Ministry of Education, University and Research

EXAMINED the application for classification presented through the appropriate CINECA interface by November 19, 2021, according to the methods and criteria set out in the ANVUR Regulation for the Classification of journals in non-bibliometric areas, approved with the Board of Directors' Resolution no. 42 of 20 February 2019;

GIVEN the Resolution of the Board of Directors n. 98 of 27 April 2022, with which the assessments relating to the preliminary requirements were approved;

GIVEN the opinion of the competent Working Group;

GIVEN the Resolution of the Board of Directors n. 195 of 21-09-2022 and any previous provisions cited therein and connected to it;

He announces that the EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF VOLUNTEERING AND COMMUNITY-BASED PROJECTS (2724-0592) has been recognized as a scientific journal for Area 13 - ECONOMIC SCIENCES AND STATISTICS