International tourism , growth and environmental quality : the case of three North African countries


  • habib sekrafi faculté des sciences économique et de gestion de sousse


International tourism, Environmental quality, Economic growth, Energy consumption, ARDL model


This paper examines the interactive relationships between international tourism, economic growth and environmental quality in three countries of North Africa (Tunisia, Maroc, Egypt) over the period 1981 -2019 . The study used the ARDL model. The results show that tourism has a direct and statistically significant impact on the level of carbon dioxide ) emissions  (CO2) and economic growth in the long run. The results also confirm the existence of an inverted U-shaped relationship for Morocco and Egypt between CO2 emissions and income level, while this relationship takes the form of a U- shaped in Tunisia. The error correction models in this study have shown that : (1) CO2 emissions converge towards their long-term equilibrium situation with a speed of the order of 5.8% in Morocco , 20% in Egypt and 27.9% in Tunisia through economic growth channels , of the consumption of energy and tourism. This finding reveals that the growth of tourism allows significantly , climate change to move to higher levels. (2) economic growth converges towards its long-term equilibrium by an adjustment speed of the order of 25.7% in Morocco, 5.8% in Egypt and 2.1% in Tunisia. 


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How to Cite

sekrafi, habib. (2021). International tourism , growth and environmental quality : the case of three North African countries. European Journal of Volunteering and Community-Based Projects, 1(1), 22-36. Retrieved from